Stellar Quines, in association with the Traverse Theatre, today launch our new podcast series, Quines Cast. Created to bring together intersectional feminist thought, music, theatre and literature.

Across the series, a wide range of contributors with backgrounds in the arts, academia, health, law and activism share their unique take on some of the big questions impacting women and other marginalised genders today.

The first of the series’ six episodes, recorded live at the 2022 Edinburgh International Book Festival, explores the theme of City, with contributions from crime writer Denise Mina; journalist and author Chitra Ramaswamy; folk singer, songwriter and theatre-maker Karine Polwart, and playwright Sara Shaarawi.

Episodes are free to access and will be released each Tuesday – with a bonus discussion episode in January – on Spotify, Apple Podcasts Stitcher or wherever you prefer to listen. A transcript for each episode is also available from the Traverse and Stellar Quines website.

The full episode list is:

22 Nov – CITY
Recorded at the Edinburgh International Book Festival

Denise Mina

Karine Polwart

Chitra Ramaswamy

Sara Shaarawi

29 Nov – WILD
Recorded at Jupiter Artland

Amanda Thomson

Kathryn Joseph

Rona Munro

Victoria McNulty

6 Dec – CHANGE

Recorded at the Traverse Theatre


Hailey Beavis

Kirstin Innes

Louise Welsh

Uma Nada-Rajah

13 Dec – SUCCESS

Recorded at the Traverse Theatre

Arusa Qureshi

Isla Cowan

Sara Sheridan

The Honey Farm

20 Dec – HOME


Tim Barrow

Alyson Woodhouse

Kerry Hudson

Marjorie Lofti

Jenn Butterworth

Jan 2022 – Bonus panel discussion episode

Featuring a selection of guests from across the series. 

Stellar Quines’ Artistic Director, Caitlin Skinner, said:

“Given the times we are living through, it felt important and timely to create a space to stimulate debate and discussion amongst those seeking change. To air our thinking around what matters to us most, how we want to live, and the society we want to live in. To bring together the voices we need to hear more from if we’re to change the inequality in the world around us. It was a joy to work with Hannah Lavery to curate and host such a spectacular line-up and we’re already looking forward to developing the next season of Quines Cast”

Traverse Theatre’s Executive Producer, Linda Crooks, said:

“We’re delighted to be partnering with Stellar Quines on this important new podcast series, which encourages sharing of thought and opinion across artforms and individuals, in nuanced and enlightening ways. We hope listeners find the reflections and contributions of each guest on this collection of topics mind expanding and eye – or ear – opening.”


Episode 1 available now:

Spotify  I  Apple Podcasts  I  SoundCloud  I YouTube  I Stitcher

Series page available here: