A message from ‘Francie and Josie’, aka Johnny Mac and Liam Dolan:
China’s its with a heavy heart that we have had to postpone our shows at The Pavilion Theatre Glasgow on 3rd and 4th October 2020, we want everyone to be safe. We have worked closely with the theatre on this and have managed to reschedule to
1st May 2021 – 2 shows 2pm & 7.30pm
2nd of May 2021 – 1 Show 2pm
Thank you for your continued support, I am sure we will all want a laugh in May 2021 from your favourite China’s.
Stay safe, look after each other and remember
For we’re no’ awa’ tae bide awe’
For we’re no’ awa tae le’e ye,
For we’re mo’ away’ tae bide awa’
We’ll aye come back an see ye.
Love Francie & Josie x
Reschedule Notification from the Pavilion Theatre
Unfortunately, with the ongoing global situation, and the increasingly unlikelihood of events being able to go ahead in the short term, we have had no alternative than to reschedule our performance of The Francie & Josie Sketchbook, originally due to take place on Saturday 3rd & Sunday 4th October 2020. The good news is that we have managed to secure a new date for next year, which is Saturday 1st & Sunday 2nd May 2021!
Below, we have detailed which performance your tickets will be valid for:
Saturday 3rd October @ 2pm Valid for Saturday 1st May 2021 @ 2pm
Saturday 3rd October @ 7:30pm Valid for Saturday 1st May 2021 @ 7:30pm
Sunday 4th October @ 2pm Valid for Sunday 2nd May 2021 @ 2pm
Original tickets will still be valid for this new date meaning that you retain the current seats you purchased for the original date. We intend to issue tickets for the new dates to avoid any confusion so ask that you make sure that if you have moved address since purchasing the tickets that you update us as soon as possible. This can be done over the phone by calling 0141-332-1846, Monday to Friday 10am to 3pm, or by emailing us on sales@paviliontheatre.co.uk Please include your old address details, including postcode and new address details and we will update our system.
However, we understand that the new date may not suit everyone; therefore, we are offering refunds to anybody who cannot attend on this new date. We therefore ask if you are unable to attend and wish a refund, please contact us, preferably by e-mail, on sales@paviliontheatre.co.uk (including your booking surname and postcode) or call our Box Office. Our staff are now working remotely to protect their own health and that of colleagues and customers therefore the theatre is not open to the public, but you can contact them on 0141 332 1846 (selecting option 1, 2 or 3), with opening hours of 10am till 3pm, Monday to Friday. We ask that you then destroy your tickets as they will no longer be valid and you will be unable to use them at the new date. You are welcome to rebook nearer the time should your circumstances change.
We apologise for any upset or disappointment this will cause. We wish you well in these strange times, but we are hopeful that things will get back to normal soon and look forward to welcoming you at the new date in 2021.